Thursday, July 5, 2012

Living Computers

Would you like to offer some advice to your computer about increasing its efficiency? Or even better, order it to think about the color that matches your room interiors with furniture? The day is not far away when machines and computers would start to think on their own. Artificial Intelligence my friends, is knocking Big Time.

In a ground-breaking experiments carried out in a Florida laboratory, scientists have created a small brain outside a living being which has been taught to fly an F-22 jet simulator. Is this not science fiction? It seems now we can build living computers since we have uncovered at least some parts of the greatest and most complex device - the Brain.

Recently I had posted an article here on, a fictitious tale [Attachment - Human DNA] about a designer in the year 2035 where full-scale cloning is feasible, and how cloning humans would make things possible that we can't imagine in today's world. How cloning would enable a designer to make his replica and do 2 separate design jobs at one time at different places. The next step of creating a living computer could very well be cloning a full-blown human just as my article suggests.

So as humans, what are we heading towards… thinking computers slowly taking over the world and creating slaves out of us? The possibility cannot be denied and this has been explored in so many of those 'computer' generated Hollywood blockbuster movies. Super-computers would be ideally kings and our tiny little personal computers their trustworthy soldiers. Their network would someday lead to a scene straight out of 'Matrix'. The agents enslaved by the machines would try and eliminate any surviving humans. We would require a Neo to let us all out!

Back to reality, this is very much a dramatization of what is about to happen. But the outcome of such experiment is two-fold. Mankind will surely benefit after getting the puzzle of life and brain sorted out, but there would be other brains who might have another perspective to the whole story. It's for all of us to decide, whether to go ahead and solve the greatest mysteries of all - the Brain.