Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Updates: Facebook and Twitter in Classroom

In my first posts I present some ideas Twitter in Classroom part 1 and part 2 and also Facebook in Classroom. Since then many new updates has been published. But first you have good possibility to enjoy and relax by listening lecture, slidecast on Facebook Strategies for the Classroom by Kevin Lim. Lasting hour and 56 minutes! If you are busy as they say in these days, there is Youtube video Twitter in 60 seconds.

Twitter in 60 seconds for teachers


Twitter Finds a Place in the Classroom CNN video
Twitter for Teachers
Using Facebook in Education
How teachers can use Twitter to maximise their professional learning
Twitter in Classroom
Twitter and facebook used as vrtual classroom with help of Hootcourse
How teachers Facebook and Tweets for Students 
How Twitter in the Classroom is boosting Student Engagement
Facebook and Youtube in Classroom
Teach with Twitter
If You were on Twitter