Tuesday, August 2, 2011

#RSCON3 Reflections and Finnish Education System in Tagxedo Word Cloud

I had my first time in The Reform Symposium in last weekend and what a great experience it was. Great presentations, skillfull speakers, global network for teachers and educators who passionately develop education. What more teacher who likes networking and enjoys Twitter conversations would ask. Had many new interesting contacts and great educators to follow in Twitter.  

Shelly Terrel and Salome Thomas-El presentations touched me deeply, i also enjoyed my good Twitter friend Vicky Loras enthusiastic presentation Multiculturalism in the Classroom and Steve Wheelers had really fireworks in ending Keynote. Great thing is that my Reform Symposium still continues when recordings are ready to watch and i can see all presentations i missed.

We, The Team Mates, Timo Ilomäki  and Aki Puustinen had huge honour to be the first Keynote speakers in conference. We are proud of possibility to be part of such inspiring community. We talk about elements about Finnish Education System. Audience was really active and supportive - thank you for that, relaxed us even little nervousness was in the air, thats why the team mate is so important support. Thanks also Muurame student Arttu for courage in presenting live. Thanks also for Finnish principals Esa Kukkasniemi and Jukka Manninen your expert knowledge in our presentation. In Vanessa Alanders blog post We Need A Trust Revolution had some mention about our presentation themes and i agree -
                    Trust Is Everything

My last blog post was Word Clouds for Teachers so i continue that theme and made from our presentation words Tagxedo hand.

Finnish Education System In Global Eductors Hand

Our Presentation in Reform Symposium Conference 29.7.2011 (removed some pictures of presentation)