Thursday, June 7, 2012

Experimental Physics and iPads

In Voionmaa high school, Jyväskylä, Finland,  physics class groups had task to find out with pen laser the wavelength of light. Group made a paper report and whole measuring was documented with iPad. Teacher has easier job to evaluate group later on from iPad videos. 

At this first time they didnt  edit videos with iMovie, it was just document of group work. Teacher Sirpa Suontausta said, that watching those videos was really fun and she could easily evaluate group work. I followed at corridor group work  and it was class of physics, fun and action. 

iPad development is part of six high school project using iPads in high school sport training, classrooms  and team work. Project is funded by  Finnish National Board of Education,  learning environment development programs.

If you are interested about iPads in education, follow hashtag #ifinnpad

see you, @ilotimo

Example of Experimental Physics (in Finnish, girls speak about measuring distance of numbers,  wavelength of light but sadly im not physics teacher:), so no translation, but you can learn our easy and beautiful language)