Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Twitter in classroom. Part 1.

         Twitter has been dramatic change for me as an educator.  I was already active user of  Facebook in my leisure and also in work,  but it was Twitter, which really make a change. Suddenly educators around the world were part of my PLN. I had many questions about Finnish education and got many good tips, links and information in my use.  Im interestid in social media in education, so Twitter is at moment best chanel update your information. Like I said on my first post, I develop my personal learning network  following from TweetDeck simultaneoysly my friends, my lists, favorites, mentions, messages, new  followers, different hashtags like #edchat #edtech #mlearning.
         Twitter is a place for teachers to collaborate, share their experience every day schoolwork and materials,   develop pedagogical methods, learn more about languages and cultures, make new connections and partnerschools. 
         I share my presentation on Twitter in classroom on three parts. At the end of this short introductions there is great tutorial video from Twitter in classroom by @paulandersson.